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  • Sunday, December 04, 2005


    I absolutely love writing. I know you all think I'm crazy, but who really cares? Of course, I do moan and groan at the occasional essay that I have to write, but for the most part, I'm all for it!!
    I just recently found out that it is a very good thing that I love to write when we got back from our mission trip to Honduras, and I was instantly smacked in the face with two essays for each class that I had to write in one week. Luckily I already had one done since I had been required to keep a journal of my entire trip start to finish for Creative Writing. I just finished my last paragraph (it was for PE and I had to write an essay on Honduras) yesterday. Anyways, as there are few people in this world who enjoy writing, I count myself very lucky to be among those fortunate few and I hope to have a future in this "industry".
    (above is a picture of a typical house in Honduras and what Honduras looks like IN THE WINTER!!!


    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    Nope, make-up work not bugging me anymore. Mr. Ellingwood told me today that I could have my mom go to the office and MAKE the people submit to not making me make up all of my class time that I missed. I still have to take finals, though cause of all the stupid rules about missing 12 days of school!!!

    2:33 PM  

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