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  • Sunday, January 01, 2006

    Happy New Years

    I am extrememly bored. I was supposed to get in the shower, and was all ready to do so when my dad got in instead. So now I have nothing else to do but sit here and wait for him to get out. First of all, to all my reading friends, Happy New Years!! We had a midnight bluegrass jam yesterday at our house and it was very fun. A bunch of hot pickers came and rocked the house down(by hot pickers, I mean they are very good. Not that they are bad looking or anything, but that is not what I meant by the context. :)) Anyways, we played for about four hours and then right at 12 we all drank sparkling grape cider. I was definitely getting orange around the edges before going to bed and was well on my way to turning into a pumpkin. Today is New Year's Day, but we are not doing anything. I prefer just hanging around the house anyways since we travel so often on account of our family band. We don't get to do nothing very often, which is good in some ways, but bad in others. One good thing is we don't watch T.V. very often, and that is very good. It tends to make you turn into a pumpkin much faster at parties.

    So, Happy New Years everyone! Now it is time to make those important decisions such as "I am going to learn Spanish!" or "I am going to quit smoking!" or "I am going to give my life to Christ!" There is never a better time than the first of the year!


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi Bree!! It's me again. So what's your new years resolution? I have decided to read the bible this year. I came across a plan to do it by reading a certain section every day. Wish me luck!

    10:57 AM  
    Blogger Lauren Mayerle said...

    I may (try to) join you on that resolution, Erika. I used to have a whole list of scripture to read each day too, but I have absolutely no idea where it went!! I'm so disorganized. Hmm, maybe that should be a resolution also - get more organized!

    Happy New Year, Breanna! I really enjoy reading your blog!

    7:09 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    I guess that my new years resolution is to stop being afraid of witnessing to people, and to just do it. I guess I have a couple others, some of which I wouldn't want to post where everyone and their dog could read them. I also want to start working out and get some of my flabby muscles into shape again since I won't be taking track. I also want to go off sugar... I guess I have a lot of things. Good luck with the bible reading thing. It is not hard at all once you get into the habit. The only thing that is hard is reading leviticus, which is really boring. I want a T-shirt that says "I survived Leviticus" on it. I have one of those every day bibles. I used it for a long time, but now I usually just open the bible to wherever every night. That way I can read Psalms whenever I want! (My favorite.) Anyways, this comment is longer than my actual blog, I think, so I'm going to stop.

    1:55 PM  

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