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  • Tuesday, January 03, 2006


    Today it is snowing at our house and it is the last day of Christmas break. (For me anyways. Those who go to South have to go to school!) I don't really like snow all that much, but I'm starting to not mind it as much as I used to. I'm kind of happy about seeing my friends again, and getting settled into a nice routine, new though it will be. I am going to be taking Spanish, a class that everyone says is extremely hard. However, as I love Spanish, and have a passion for learning it fluently, I think that I will do just fine. Plus, being immersed in nothing but Spanish for two weeks is enought to give you a lot of the basics that you need, so I'm a little ahead. In all truthfullness, I can't wait to get started!

    I'm hungry. I just got back from a walk in which I dropped my favorite hat. I apparantly did not notice that I dropped it because I now do not have it. That makes me very sad. However, my sadness is counteracted by the fact that in my book, the main character just saved the day, even though his girlfriend died. That made me sad. But I was cheered up by the prospect that in the very near future my brother will be making Macarroni and Cheese, if that is how you spell it, and at the moment, I'm not obliged to do anything but sit here. Just a minute. The front door just flew open and I think I'm about to be murdered.

    Okay, everything is fine. It was just the wind. While we were in Honduras a big windstorm came and broke our door and now it flies open at odd moments. I didn't really think that I was about to be murdered, otherwise I would have not typed another sentence. I would have protected myself. I'm not that stupid.

    I haven't had any other epiphanies. If I do I'll let you know.

    The picture is us in Honduras. All the people who don't look American are not American. They are Honduran. The two Hondurans on the bottom, and near the bottom are Hennry (yes, it is spelled wrong, I know, but it's not American, see) and Juan Carlos. I'm still in touch with them, though it is hard to read and write Spanish emails. The one at the very top is Mauricio. He is the head honcho dude, or in Spanish, Hefe.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I see you typed a nice long blog entry instead of a nice long email to me. If you do, I will tell you the details of my not particularly good day. I believe you are spelling epiphanies wrong, which, by the way, is coming up. Epiphany, in case that wasn't clear. It's the same day as twelfth night, which is when my aunt's party is that you won't be at. I thought that Hennry was spelled Henrry, although I could be mistaken. It seems there was something else I was going to comment on, but... Oh, what book are you reading?

    6:13 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    I'll change my spelling really quick.

    6:51 PM  
    Blogger Lauren Mayerle said...

    Blogger has a spell checker, so If you're still feeling lazy you can always use that (like I always do). It might not know how to spell H's name though.

    We used to celebrate every day of the 12 days of Christmas. Every day we'd wake up and find a present under the tree, ending on Epiphany. But when there are five kids and 12 days, that's 60 gifts, which is, well, a lot of money. So now we just celebrate Epiphany itself. Which still works for me. :) But I've always thought, wouldn't it be great if we celebrated like the early Church, where Christmas ended on February 2nd, Candlemass?

    4:56 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    I'm reading The Light of Eidon. It is very good. My mom is reading the sequel, and I'm going to move to that one soon.

    6:51 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Lauren, I agree completely that Christmas should end on Candlemas. How do you celebrate Epiphany? And Bree, what is your book about? Is it fantasy? I am debating sending this as an email, as neither of you will probably read it here. Oh well.

    9:14 PM  

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