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  • Wednesday, May 31, 2006

    Good Times

    My life at the moment is very nice. School is out, (sorry Era), it's raining outside (I LOVE the rain), I just got home (last night) from a very nice evening in which we watched X-Men 3, I got my braces off yesterday, and everything is generally peachie. The only thing that could make life better at the moment would be... I have no idea. Life is just too good.

    For those of you wondering out there, yes, I thought X-Men was a good movie. It was very intense, and a lot of people died, but I guess, according to my guy friends, that's what makes it good. Anyways, I hadn't even HEARD about X-Men until about 1 week ago when Trevor let us borrow his movies so that we could watch them before we watched the third one. It is a major surprise that I hadn't heard of them considering the fact that Trevor is absolutely obsessed with the movies. (Yesterday he told us that everyone is smart in their own subjects. Hmph. What a subject to be smart in!) ANYWAYS, we did indeed watch both movies, the first one a few weeks ago, and the second one yesterday before we left to see the third one.

    Well, I suppose I shall let you go so that I can thouroughly enjoy my peachie life. I hope everything is peachie with you all as well.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    trevor must be an idiot because all of the x-men movies were way too far off from the comics or tv show that i read and watched when i was a kid to be any good. out of ten a person who knows anything about the x-men would have given it a two out of ten.

    11:53 AM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    Well, I don't know if he read any of the comics. I think he is more obsessed with the movies. :) Trevor is actually very smart, and is one of my best friends. I consider him to be very far from being an idiot.

    12:46 PM  

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