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  • Wednesday, April 19, 2006


    Okay, not depressed anymore. I think I'm bipolar, except that I can trace my moods to a source, and I'm hardly ever depressed anyways. Dang it!!! I really hate the last quarter of school. I have such a hard time being motivated. Oh well. I actually think that I just detected a whiff of motivation in the air. Amazing. Sweet. Incredible.


    Blogger Lauren Mayerle said...

    The last quarter of school seems to be one of the toughest - just hang in there until school's finished for the year. It's so easy to slip...

    9:33 PM  
    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    I've read this a couple of times and just realized I hadn't commented. I don't have anything meaningful to say, though... I'll agree with Lauren.

    10:26 AM  
    Blogger The Fri said...

    Yes, this last quarter of school is quite a rough one. There's too many things going on at once and it's pretty stressful. Hang in there, it's almost over!


    9:19 AM  
    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Okay, Bree, you can update again now!

    9:30 AM  

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