Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Wednesday, January 25, 2006


    How is it, you ask, that I always have time to update my blog during keyboarding? Simple. We don't do anything. A very convenient class if you ask me. Anyways, Erika, you are also going to ask me "Why don't you email me when you are in keyboarding?" The answer to that one is simple too. The stupid security on these stupid computers will not allow me to send any emails because I "Do not have the priveleges" to do that. Anyways, I will try to email you today, but there are no guarantees because I have this large project due tomorrow of which I have done nothing on. It kind of stinks. Anyways, I guess I'll go get some homework done. This is a perfect class, I'm telling you. Never mind, someone just took the pass. Bummer. Oh well I'll just type a little more. I am still not caught up on sleep from the weekend. I stayed up till late every night and then got up early, played several concerts, and then jammed my face off the rest of the day. My guitar fingers were really sore by the end of every day. I was so out of it at the end of the weekend that at my last concert I actually clapped after one of my own songs. I was so embarrased and I wanted to sink into the floor and never come out again. And then my voice decided to squeak and it seriously sounded like a dog. For the second time that night I wanted to become suddenly non-existant. Oh well, that's what happens when you play in a band. The first concert that we did was the best I've done in a while, which was good because it was being recorded. Anyways, the pass is almost back, or should be. Yep, it is. I'm leaving. Bye.


    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Hey Bree, glad you updated. I hope you email. I'm going to do homework now. I wasn't at youth group because I had to decorate this cake I baked to look like a cell. Sad I missed it. Come comment on my blog. Toodles.

    4:53 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    I didn't make it to Action either. I was extremely tired that day so I decided to stay home. I was glad that I did too!

    1:37 PM  
    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Why were you glad you stayed home? And why are you refusing to email me?

    5:42 PM  

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