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  • Wednesday, May 31, 2006

    My Depressing Poem

    This is my depressing poem. It seems I always write poems about the depressing parts of my life. I am really not a sad person, but when something bugs me, I write a poem. When I'm happy, I write too, but not poems. :) Anyways, I hope you enjoy...

    My heart has been searching,
    Yet happiness has flinched,
    My heart it seems,
    Will never be quenched.

    Perhaps new desires,
    Shall find a friend,
    Within my spirit,
    To let it mend.

    But how can I live,
    Frustrated and tired?
    I'm about to give in,
    But to follow through I've aspired.

    I dream of stopping time,
    And taking a breath,
    To try to cure,
    This lonliness.

    I know where I should be,
    But not how to get there,
    I'm traveling fast,
    On the path of despair.

    Can I turn around,
    Or simply stand,
    And let fate take its course,
    Knowing where I'll land?


    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Hmmm. Your happiness seems to have turned around fast. Except we discussed how the happiest things are sad too. Nice poem. Toodles.

    9:53 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    I know. I was sort of depressed yesteday because of the very reason that happy things are sad. Anyways, I don't think that I've written a cheerful poem since Come Softly which was quite a while ago.

    8:25 AM  
    Blogger The Fri said...

    Ya know, that's a really awesome poem!... Although it is sad... And about your last post: Yes! Trevor is ridiculously obsessed with X-Men! It bugs the crap outta me! That movie is seriously the ONLY competition I have!! lol, nah he's not that obessessed... I hope... lol ttyl


    6:57 PM  
    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Bree, time to update again!

    7:16 PM  
    Blogger Cullah said...

    Okay I'm post i'm depressed now because of that poem.

    4:09 PM  
    Blogger Cullah said...

    that made me depressed.

    4:11 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    Really sorry. Don't be depressed. I'm not quite as depressed now. Maybe I'm bipolar. :)

    4:17 PM  

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