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  • Sunday, September 14, 2008

    Calming the Waves

    "Suddenly a violent storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves. But He was sleeping. So the disciples came and woke Him up, saying, 'Lord, save us! We're going to die!' But He said to them, 'Why are you fearful, you of little faith?' then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea. And there was a great calm. the men were amazed and asked, 'what kind of man is this? Even the winds and the sea obey Him!'"

    We have a God who is big enough to calm the greatest of torrential storms in our hearts and in our lives. Never should we fear because He is able to save us from anything. If we trust in Him, he can take all of the storms in our lives and replace them with the most beautiful calm. "Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

    Monday, October 22, 2007

    Ten Days and a Lifetime

    What would you do if you only had ten days to prove yourself?

    I have spent two solid years of my life learning Spanish for this moment. It has been my life, my passion, and my love. To other people, Spanish is a class. It's extra work and a good way to get high school credits. But for me it is the earthly factor that decides my future. God has a plan for my life. It is a great plan, as is everyone's on this earth. But I can't just sit there and wait for him to make it happen. I believe that acheiving your purpose in life requires you to work for it. When God spoke to my heart and told me to learn Spanish, I did. Two years led to this point, and now I have ten days.

    I have ten days to prove to myself that with God anything is possible. With God, I can learn a language that is completely foreign, bring it to its home language and speak it to the people in order to really get to their hearts where as before I was unable to do this.

    I have ten days to express my passionate love for the people of Honduras and show them that God loves them more than I ever could.

    I have ten days to gain an insight from the country that I could never gain in America. Only a country like Honduras could show you that you can live in poverty and still have abounding contentment.

    I have ten days to see the people that I haven't seen for two years, establish new friendships, and begin my career as a third world country missionary.

    Ten days is so short after two years. Ten days is so short when I think about the year that will stretch after it. When I think of only ten days I feel like panicking.

    But I have a lifetime to bring Honduras back home. I have a lifetime to live my life as a missionary here in the United States. And even if I have to wait twenty years to go back, a little part will always be back here with me in my home with the people that I love. And that's what I love about life.

    Sunday, July 08, 2007

    I'm extremely bored out of my mind right now, the reasons being that a) I don't have any more chores to do, which is actually a lie since I believe the dishwasher just washed the rest of the dishes and I have to put them away but whatever, b) all of my friends are either in a third world country, half way across the country, a few cities away, or they just plain don't email, c) I'm sick of video games, and d) I don't feel like doing anything productive. Oh well. I guess I don't have much to complain about. Except for the fact that I have to work starting tomorrow. But that's okay. I need money really bad.

    So anyways, the moral to the story is that I really don't have any reason whatsoever for doing this blog entry, and it was kind of stupid anyways, so whatever.

    Speaking of stupid, I am really quite a dumb person. Today at church KEEGAN didn't show up, and he usually runs the sound, so the result was (since there is no one else in the entire church, besides my family who were all not there, that even have a vague sense of how to run the sound) that I got nominated. Great. So, of course there was a lady who needed a cd played for special music, and (for future reference) I have no clue how to play a cd. So I promptly pressed play and nothing happened. So the poor lady had to read the words instead of sing them. It was not two minutes after the words were quite emotionally read that I discovered that I had needed only to turn one stupid nob on the stupid sound system. I was so angry that after church I had to go for a mile run to burn off some steam.

    So that was my day for you. Great. Not really. Anyways, I think I'll go clean out the dishwasher and maybe make the kitchen look tip top since I have nothing else to do. K bye.


    Thursday, June 14, 2007


    Yeah, it's been a while, sorry. Oh well.

    Life's pretty peachie now, not going to lie. I have everything I could possibly want, and I have nothing stressful in my life which could only mean one thing.... I have no where to go but down.

    Hey, bring it on. In my humble opinion the trials are as good as the peachie moments because of that one blessed verse....'And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Oh yeah. (don't ask me where that is. Somewhere in Romans)

    So bring on the trials, because frankly, a life full of peaches does get boring after a while, and I never seem to be growing as a person when I'm reclining on a couch getting fat. (spiritually fat, in case you know what I look like....)

    Friday, November 10, 2006

    Some Advice

    Having a bad day? Vaccum up some flies and then listen to the vaccum cleaner afterwards. It's hilarious. K bye.

    Monday, November 06, 2006

    Another Poem

    Take me Away

    What can I do
    To keep you from me
    Clawing at my life
    You won’t set me free
    You have ripped me away
    From what could have been mine
    How far will you go?
    How long ‘til I die?

    Take me away
    From these flames that have found me
    Break me away
    I can’t hold on

    When did you find me
    Trapped within myself
    With every breath you lied
    That fear was far from me
    Take your hands off my life
    I can hear you screaming
    You want to destroy me
    But he’s already won

    Take me away
    From these flames that have found me
    Break me away
    I can’t hold on

    You can’t destroy me
    Break me free
    You can’t destroy me
    Break me free

    Saturday, October 28, 2006

    Missing Honduras

    The trip for Honduras left on Thursday (the same day as “THE BLIZZARD OF ’06!!!!” as the news exaggerated it.) Of course, I was not with them.

    I have tried endlessly to try to get people to see my passion for these people. It seems that Americans are too caught up in their ways to see that there is a whole other world beyond their miniscule existence. I have seen some of this world. However, I have begun to understand that you can’t just force people to see what you see, and have them share in your enthusiasm. They have to go out and see it for themselves to truly understand. I count myself blessed to have seen it so early.

    But I am not content just to see it once, or twice. Going there has planted in me a deep, unquenchable, God-given desire to go back, to be back. I can see those people now. I can see Henrry, a wonderful Christian Honduran, on the last day that I was with him and his family. He sat next to us, his face drawn in sadness as he tried to communicate his feelings to us, people who can’t even speak his own language. I remember him using packets of salt to illustrate to us what he was trying to say. Taking one packet, he said in Spanish, “This is you”. Then, pointing to the other, he said “This is me. Today, we are together.” He put the two packets side by side. “Tomorrow,” he said, now pulling them apart, “tomorrow, we will be apart”. How can I banish from my mind an image like that? I haven’t seen him since that day. Still apart. Still tomorrow.

    I have struggled the past few days with this, asking God why he did not provide the money for me to go back. Why could I not be united again with the people that my heart lies with? I can never understand His mysterious ways, though I know that he has a reason for everything.However, I know that my story in Honduras is not over. I cannot stay away. Part of my heart will always be there with its people.

    Here is a poem that I wrote.

    My Torture

    Wishing to be somewhere else
    passion awakened,
    How can I sleep in my own bed
    when I know I can be
    sleeping, fading, smiling
    where I long to be?

    I don’t want to be forgotten,
    am I? or do they remember
    as I do
    their smiles, their love, their kisses
    everything just how it should be
    together today.

    But am I just another girl
    like all the others?
    or am I in love
    like no one else
    do I have something
    unique that brings me back

    I know that in my eyes
    this place is heaven
    it is torture
    to think that I could be
    with them, I know
    one week is to short, a lifetime too long

    Will they remember
    Will they ask
    Will they wonder
    where is she? Thinking of you.
    Apart tomorrow.