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  • Sunday, September 24, 2006

    Bad and Awesome (I'll put the bad first so that you can be more happy by the end)

    I'm not quite sure what Merg means. You can figure it out.

    I am currently waiting for my stupid retainer to get done soaking in its denture cleaner so that i can go to bed. So, I decided to come here and complain. Okay, here is why I'm grumpy. Aheem.

    1) I miss Winfield and the friends that went with it. You already knew that.
    2) I got a bad grade on my Biology test. We all knew that was coming.
    3) I just finished a book that was really good, but DIDN'T END. It just left me hanging.
    4) I had to say goodbye again to my bro.
    5) My inbox was full, and wasn't letting me get any emails. I didn't realize it for 5 days. Who knows how many sweet emails I missed?
    6) Tomorrow's Monday.
    7) It's late, I want to go to bed, and my retainer is still soaking.
    8)Reasons that only people like Erika know. Ha ha ha. In fact, reasons that only Erika knows.

    Okay, now for the reasons that I have been extremely happy lately. (I know, Bipolar)

    1) I missed my other friends while I was in Winfield. Now I'm back and I get to see them.
    2) I finally got caught up on all of my homework, except, of course, my online class.
    3) That book was really good............ even if it didn't have an ending.
    4) My bro just spent the whole weekend here and we had the most amazing worship service at our church with me, Trav, and Coop, Trav's awesome roommate.
    5) I finally discovered why my email wasn't working, and I fixed it. The only email so far that I've gotten, though, is one that said that Trevor couldn't get my email because his Inbox was full. You might want to get on that Trev. It gets annoying when you aren't getting any emails.
    6) Tomorrow's Monday.
    7) It's late, but it's been such a good day that I don't want to go to bed. Plus, I have a retainer, and without it my teeth would be crooked. Even if it is extremely annoying.....
    8) Those reasons that Erika only knows really aren't bothering me much anymore. Something to be very thankful for.

    So Today's Ernest Prayer is:

    "Lord, thank you so much for this life that you have given me. It is filled with such joy and exciting trials. And thank you for loving me so much."

    So, yeah, I'm happy. Maybe someday I'll post a detailed thingy of my trip to Winfield. I feel the need to explain exactly how wonderful it is. I don't think people really believe me that it's the coolest ever. K bye.


    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Hi! I'm sad/happy for you. But you should email me. I got a blank one, and that was all. Weird. Toodles.

    4:23 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Uh oh, I hope ghvalley didn't do the same thing to me, but I don't think it did. I'm glad you can see the good despite the bad in your life. ttyl!


    9:52 AM  

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