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  • Monday, October 22, 2007

    Ten Days and a Lifetime

    What would you do if you only had ten days to prove yourself?

    I have spent two solid years of my life learning Spanish for this moment. It has been my life, my passion, and my love. To other people, Spanish is a class. It's extra work and a good way to get high school credits. But for me it is the earthly factor that decides my future. God has a plan for my life. It is a great plan, as is everyone's on this earth. But I can't just sit there and wait for him to make it happen. I believe that acheiving your purpose in life requires you to work for it. When God spoke to my heart and told me to learn Spanish, I did. Two years led to this point, and now I have ten days.

    I have ten days to prove to myself that with God anything is possible. With God, I can learn a language that is completely foreign, bring it to its home language and speak it to the people in order to really get to their hearts where as before I was unable to do this.

    I have ten days to express my passionate love for the people of Honduras and show them that God loves them more than I ever could.

    I have ten days to gain an insight from the country that I could never gain in America. Only a country like Honduras could show you that you can live in poverty and still have abounding contentment.

    I have ten days to see the people that I haven't seen for two years, establish new friendships, and begin my career as a third world country missionary.

    Ten days is so short after two years. Ten days is so short when I think about the year that will stretch after it. When I think of only ten days I feel like panicking.

    But I have a lifetime to bring Honduras back home. I have a lifetime to live my life as a missionary here in the United States. And even if I have to wait twenty years to go back, a little part will always be back here with me in my home with the people that I love. And that's what I love about life.


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