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  • Sunday, October 08, 2006

    I haven't been murdered yet....

    I am sooooo bored. No one is home, so I'm pretty much just sitting here waiting for an ax murderer to come in and kill me. But he's taking forever to get here, so whatever. Hmmm... Yeah. There is nothing decent on tv, we don't have any movies, who wants to do their homework on a Sunday when you have Monday off, no one has emailed me since Friday night so I can't respond to anyone, and I am just plain BORED. Plus, my cat wants to be let out and is meowing in the most annoying fashion. I could kill him. But I think I'll let the ax murderer do that. Ugh. I wish youth group had lasted longer. Then I wouldn't have had as long to sit here and think about how bored I am. BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED. Oh, yeah there is one other complication. I slept in, therefore I am not tired yet so I can't go to bed. Plus, then the ax murderer would be able to attack me in my sleep and I at least want to go down fighting. Whatever. Okay, I guess I'll channel my boredom somewhere else. Who's going to read this anyways? I hope no one does. I don't want to make them as bored as I am... K bye.


    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    I read it! I'm sorry you were bored: ( Toodles : )

    7:07 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    Now are you bored? :)

    7:46 PM  
    Blogger The Fri said...

    Well that sucks. I was so happy to have Monday off.. I can't wait till Thanksgiving break. That's gonna be awesome. lol.

    3:23 PM  
    Blogger psycho_chick said...

    well im glad the ax murderer took his time because then people wouldnt be caught between to Bri/Bree's and i would be sad jk neways TTYL >:D

    12:08 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    That would definitlely be sad.

    12:09 PM  
    Blogger psycho_chick said...

    of course then we couldnt torture people in biology with the two bri/bree's i would have to change my name to rachel or something else :( jk neways TTYL >:D

    4:56 PM  

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