Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Monday, September 18, 2006

    Fine, I'll update.

    So it's been forever since I've updated. Today's Ernest Prayer would have to be

    "Dear Lord,

    Let me skip another couple weeks of school so that I can go back to Winfield."

    I have been extremely depressed since approximately 1:25 on Sunday morning when I said goodbye to the last of my friends.

    Winfield, for those of you uneducated and out of it people, is one of the most exciting bluegrass festivals ever. In fact, it is the most exciting and fun that I have ever been to. Brian agrees. Actually the name of it is the Walnut Valley Festival and it takes place in Winfield, but everyone calls it Winfield. The whole reason that I go is to relax, get away from daily stress for a week, and hang out with the friends that I only get to see once every year. It is a wonderful experience, except for all of the homework that I have to make up. I do it all on the way back to get my mind off of my sadness. It is a 10 hour drive one way, just long enough to get almost everything done. I still have two tests to make up, though.

    For pictures of Winfield go to and go to the pictures from the road section. Don't pay attention to the ones in which I am ugly. Showers are scarce in Winfield. They cost 3 dollars, and there are huge lines.

    Anyways, so there you are. I want to go back to Winfield sooooooooo bad. Whatever. K bye.


    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Yeah, update! Sad that you're sad, though.

    4:51 PM  
    Blogger Lauren Mayerle said...

    I hate that feeling of wanting to be someplace else, but knowing that it's not going to happen.
    Glad that you (finally) updated!

    11:03 AM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    Yeah. I'm glad that I updated too, because I got more comments! Sorry, I'm kinda tired, so that was kind of a special comment.

    10:15 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Winfield sounds pretty awesome. I really sucks to only be in the place you love most once a year eh? But it makes it all the more special I suppose. Well, ttyl!


    9:49 AM  

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