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  • Saturday, October 28, 2006

    Missing Honduras

    The trip for Honduras left on Thursday (the same day as “THE BLIZZARD OF ’06!!!!” as the news exaggerated it.) Of course, I was not with them.

    I have tried endlessly to try to get people to see my passion for these people. It seems that Americans are too caught up in their ways to see that there is a whole other world beyond their miniscule existence. I have seen some of this world. However, I have begun to understand that you can’t just force people to see what you see, and have them share in your enthusiasm. They have to go out and see it for themselves to truly understand. I count myself blessed to have seen it so early.

    But I am not content just to see it once, or twice. Going there has planted in me a deep, unquenchable, God-given desire to go back, to be back. I can see those people now. I can see Henrry, a wonderful Christian Honduran, on the last day that I was with him and his family. He sat next to us, his face drawn in sadness as he tried to communicate his feelings to us, people who can’t even speak his own language. I remember him using packets of salt to illustrate to us what he was trying to say. Taking one packet, he said in Spanish, “This is you”. Then, pointing to the other, he said “This is me. Today, we are together.” He put the two packets side by side. “Tomorrow,” he said, now pulling them apart, “tomorrow, we will be apart”. How can I banish from my mind an image like that? I haven’t seen him since that day. Still apart. Still tomorrow.

    I have struggled the past few days with this, asking God why he did not provide the money for me to go back. Why could I not be united again with the people that my heart lies with? I can never understand His mysterious ways, though I know that he has a reason for everything.However, I know that my story in Honduras is not over. I cannot stay away. Part of my heart will always be there with its people.

    Here is a poem that I wrote.

    My Torture

    Wishing to be somewhere else
    passion awakened,
    How can I sleep in my own bed
    when I know I can be
    sleeping, fading, smiling
    where I long to be?

    I don’t want to be forgotten,
    am I? or do they remember
    as I do
    their smiles, their love, their kisses
    everything just how it should be
    together today.

    But am I just another girl
    like all the others?
    or am I in love
    like no one else
    do I have something
    unique that brings me back

    I know that in my eyes
    this place is heaven
    it is torture
    to think that I could be
    with them, I know
    one week is to short, a lifetime too long

    Will they remember
    Will they ask
    Will they wonder
    where is she? Thinking of you.
    Apart tomorrow.


    Blogger Lauren Mayerle said...

    If that is really where you want to be and missionary-like sork is what you want to do then I am sure that God will lead you back to Honduras or elsewhere again, even if it's not this year or next.
    Your poem was quite powerful.

    10:38 AM  
    Blogger The Fri said...

    I'm sorry you miss Honduras so much. Just be glad that you were there when God wanted you to be there. Maybe you've done your job there, at least for now. Maybe later on, after you become fluent in Spanish and everything, God will send you back when communication between you and the people there will be easier. Just keep working on that Spanish! Keep your head up chicka, you'll see them all again someday, whether it's before you're independent from your parents or after. ;) ttyl!


    9:08 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    so maybe God was telling you to find all the little kids here that need help. we all know that there are people all over the world who need our help and that we should probably help them but come on... you know that they aren't the only ones.

    4:44 PM  

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