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  • Wednesday, January 04, 2006

    First Day of School

    Today was the first day back to school from Christmas break. This meant new schedules. Of course, the people in the office decided to give me two different schedules because they thought it would be funny to watch me get all confused. Which I did, right in front of the class that I wasn't supposed to be in. So I walked calmly out of the room, hoping that I wouldn't trip over something.

    That reminds me of a very embarrasing moment. One of my friends decided to call this guy and randomly ask him out for me. Of course, my mom won't let me date, so I was freaking out. Luckily, he knew this and refused her, but I felt it was my place to call him the next day and straiten everything out. So the next day, which was an inservice day, I sweated and trembled over the phone until I finally had the courage to dial the number. I explained everything to him, and he understood. The next day at school I walked into the classroom where he was at. We both just sort of stood there stupidly. Finally I said, "I'm all embarassed around you now, dang it!" and I stormed out of the room. But not before I tripped on the trashcan and almost fell on my face.

    So after all of the confusingness of the day and my two different schedules, I am very tired and I don't think I will type any more.


    Blogger Lauren Mayerle said...

    Hmm, I think that the first day of school (whether at the beginning of the year or the after a break) is almost ALWAYS embarrasing and awkward!!

    5:33 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Lauren, I agree completely, as we both know. Bree, I would be interested to hear more about your terribly confusing, awkward day. Please email.

    5:42 PM  
    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Bree, I got your email, and I would leave a comment, except there are no new posts! Actually, I am anyway, but still, it's time for an update.

    7:53 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey Bree,
    I really like your blog. It is very professional looking. Anyway, I too would like to know more about both these embarrasing moments.

    9:33 PM  

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