
Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Saturday, March 04, 2006


    First of all, I would like to say that I am so terribly sorry that I have left my blog go for months. Erika, I hope you forgive me. At least I email you. Anyways, ummmmm..... What else. I am not doing track!!!! HAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I was sad at first but after seeing all of the tracksters walking around the hall like their muscles had suddenly been frozen in place, I was comforted. Plus, I did indeed get to ride home with my brother therefore proving the point that Monday was NOT the last day for the rest of the year that he would bring me home from school. This gave me considerable hope. Plus, I am NOT simply sitting on by butt like I used to. I am actually getting out and walking every day after school in the 45 minute period of waiting for my bus to get there. It is very convenient. So, pretty much what I am saying is, life is pretty peachy right about now.