Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Monday, January 16, 2006

    I am so Bored

    I am bored, but I guess that is good for all you people who beg me to update my blog. Being bored provides a perfect opprotunity to write on my blog. Yesterday I went to one of my youth groups. It was a lot of fun. We had a really good discussion based on the first few chapters of Lee Strobel's book "The Case for Christ, Student Edition." I really enjoyed that book and I suggest it for anyone who is questioning the truth in the Bible and Christ's life. It doesn't bring down or critisize other religions or push you into believing something that you don't believe. What it does do is provide the reader with some interesting facts and things to think about. I would suggest this book for anyone, Christian or not Christian. Anyways, tonight is busy too, as I will be going to another youth group, Action, where there is the benifit of good food to help sustain you through the evening. Plus Ben is pretty much hilarious and I enjoy making fun of him. ANYWAYS, since I am in class and the teacher just instructed me to do something else I guess I will post this and do what she told me to do before I get in trouble.


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