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  • Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Bored, as Always

    I am once again in keyboarding and I have finished my lessons. Sadly, I forgot to bring in my very hard math homework to work on, something I might want to do if I want to go to the play tonight. I'm going anyways, but oh well. I was happy today because I got a 107% on my math test, which means that I FINALLY GOT A BETTER GRADE THAN TREVOR!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, that was pretty cool. I don't want to go to U.S. history at all, but oh well. I guess I'll have to live with it. And then I have to ride the bus. At least that will give me an extra hour to get my homework done, an hour that I don't have when riding with my brother. Poor Trav has to work today. I'd rather ride the bus home than work, but whatever. My day will come. The bell rings in about 5 minutes, so I should probably stop typing.


    Blogger Lauren Mayerle said...

    A one hour bus ride? Ouch!! You are lucky that you get to blog during the day; none of my classes usually involve computers, and even so I can't work the mouse at school... Yes, I'm that discombobulated.

    8:37 PM  
    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    What play are you talking about? Also, I can't go to the concert tomorrow. I meant to call you, but, alas, I left home at seven fifty this morning and didn't get home until nine thirty. And, no, not AM. So I'll see you sometime later.

    9:49 PM  
    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Rea, you are almost as bad as Lauren :) I haven't heard from you in ages!

    7:19 PM  

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