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  • Sunday, July 16, 2006

    Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy etc. etc. etc.

    I'm happy.
    I'm always happy.
    I absolutely love being happy.
    I love how each sentence gets longer. Ha ha.

    Anyways, yeah, just got home from youth group (Sunday night.) It was very interesting. Trevor brought a shweet game that encouraged us to "express our deepest feelings" lol. It encouraged us, but luckily, I did not express my deepest feelings. Very lucky.

    However one thing that I did express was my deepest desire and that is for each and every one of my friends to know God as intimately as possible. To find that love for Him that I have. That trust. That knowledge that no matter what, every circumstance fits perfectly in his plan for me, and everyone else. I love the comfort that we can find in Him. I want the people that I love so much to know this for themselves, to experience it, and become as amazed as I am that someone so big and powerful could love someone as retarded as me.

    That's why I'm happy. How could you not be happy? I pray all the time that my friends can be as happy as me. Thanks God. You are the shweetest dude I know. Seriously.


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