Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Tuesday, July 18, 2006

    I wonder if anyone actually reads this

    Oh well, if no one does, it's not a big deal, because I like to read it and laugh at my own jokes. Ha ha ha. Anyways, right now I am anticipating the coming of our 2nd monthly ThingamaBBQ. It is going to be a very exciting event, and my house will be filled with laughter and joy for a few short hours. Keegan, DO NOT forget to bring The Emporer's New Groove. As if you are going to read this before then. You probably don't even know that I have a blog. So why am I still talking to you? I might as well talk to my friends from Honduras! I wonder if they have blogs in Spanish somewhere.... Hmmm....

    Anyways, this is great. Era, if you read this any time in the near future, WE WILL MISS YOU at the ThingamaBBQ. Just make sure you do something really fun and exciting tomorrow at 5:00, and don't forget to think of us. Maybe I should call you. That would be exciting. Except I'm not quite sure whether or not you will be in class. Hmmm... maybe I should find out, and then I can call you and you can be a part of the party. That would be cool.

    Actually, the real reason for my blabbage would of course be the fact that I am at the moment eagerly anticipating my dinner, and I am trying to find something to do. This is what I came up with. Oh, wait a moment. I was going to do something for Trevor. That'll give me something to do while I'm waiting.


    Blogger Umm Yaqub Bilal said...

    In answer to your question Yup I read your message and parts of your blog and I hope that you become a wonderful author infact more famous than the ones you mentioned! Hope the BBQ was fun!

    1:49 AM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    Hey, thanks! That makes me happy. I sort of half way read your blog yesterday, too. That's weird.

    12:19 PM  
    Blogger The Fri said...

    Dude... the thingamabarbeque was awesome! lol.

    4:49 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    I'm glad you thought so. I personally thought that it was the fastest 5 and a half hours of my life!!! I can't wait until the next one....... I wonder who's house we are going to have it at?

    4:55 PM  
    Blogger psycho_chick said...

    thats a nice name for something a thingamaBBQ sounds like you all had a great time neways TTYL >:D

    12:48 PM  

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