
Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Sunday, July 08, 2007

    I'm extremely bored out of my mind right now, the reasons being that a) I don't have any more chores to do, which is actually a lie since I believe the dishwasher just washed the rest of the dishes and I have to put them away but whatever, b) all of my friends are either in a third world country, half way across the country, a few cities away, or they just plain don't email, c) I'm sick of video games, and d) I don't feel like doing anything productive. Oh well. I guess I don't have much to complain about. Except for the fact that I have to work starting tomorrow. But that's okay. I need money really bad.

    So anyways, the moral to the story is that I really don't have any reason whatsoever for doing this blog entry, and it was kind of stupid anyways, so whatever.

    Speaking of stupid, I am really quite a dumb person. Today at church KEEGAN didn't show up, and he usually runs the sound, so the result was (since there is no one else in the entire church, besides my family who were all not there, that even have a vague sense of how to run the sound) that I got nominated. Great. So, of course there was a lady who needed a cd played for special music, and (for future reference) I have no clue how to play a cd. So I promptly pressed play and nothing happened. So the poor lady had to read the words instead of sing them. It was not two minutes after the words were quite emotionally read that I discovered that I had needed only to turn one stupid nob on the stupid sound system. I was so angry that after church I had to go for a mile run to burn off some steam.

    So that was my day for you. Great. Not really. Anyways, I think I'll go clean out the dishwasher and maybe make the kitchen look tip top since I have nothing else to do. K bye.
