Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Friday, January 13, 2006

    I'm So Very Sorry

    First I would like to say that i am so very sorry for not updating my blog in forever. I mostly speak to Erika when I say this because she is the only person in the entire world who really cares whether I update or not. She is my motivation for my blog. Anyways, I do have excuses, and they are as follows. Last weekend I went to see my good friends the O'briens. They had a concert and my brother played with them. Then, I got back and promptly got a bad cold. Not only that but on Monday I went to Action after school, so I couldn't exactly update it then either. The next day I didn't feel good at all. On Wednesday I was going to go into town, but I still didn't feel good, so I stayed home and played video games, a pleasure that I very very rarely indulge in. That was a whole lot easier than updating my blog. In addition to playing video games at home, I also completed one math assignment, one Spanish assignment, and half of one history assignment. That was strenuous. Then on Thursday I was just plain too lazy. Now I am actually at school in Keyboarding class and as it is a catch up day and i am already caught up, what better time than now to update my poor unupdated blog. And, yes, Erika. Rachel is sitting next to me and I am right now going to make her update her blog..........

    Okay, she is in the process of doing so right now. Ummmmm... I don't quite no what else to talk about. I hope you enjoyed reading my newly updated blog!!!!


    Blogger Erika Anneliese said...

    Thanks Bree. I appreciate it. I was beginning to wonder if you were still on the face of this planet, or if you'd gone undergroud, see as I haven't heard from you at all since Monday. What are you doing this weekend?

    6:32 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I got an e-mail about your blog, so here I am, leaving you a comment. lol. Your blog is very kewl... I would get one on this site because it seems that all of my friends are getting one but I don't have time to sit here and type in it. Ever. lol. Maybe if Trevor gets one I'll join... lol! See ya!


    1:14 PM  
    Blogger Breanna Monique said...

    I'm so glad that people leave comments. Thanks for visiting, Sarah! Oh, and Erika, are you coming to action tonight? I would like to see you again. And Sarah, are YOU coming to Action tonight? Or are you still doing swimming? Or homework...Anyways, it would be nice to see you there again. I wish Rachel didn't live so dang far away. Man, I don't want to go to school today! It's snowing, so maybe we'll get off early. Ha! That's a funny one. More likely we will have to cancel Action!!

    7:24 AM  

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