
Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Wednesday, April 19, 2006


    Okay, not depressed anymore. I think I'm bipolar, except that I can trace my moods to a source, and I'm hardly ever depressed anyways. Dang it!!! I really hate the last quarter of school. I have such a hard time being motivated. Oh well. I actually think that I just detected a whiff of motivation in the air. Amazing. Sweet. Incredible.

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006


    I am so depressed today. Anyways, it is all okay, and I'm not nearly as depressed, worried, and nervous as I was at the beginning of the day. Anyways, I am now in keyboarding, as I always seem to be when I am updating my blog. I finally am caught up on my assignments. Maybe I should get my math homework and work on that. Erika, I will email you and tell you what happened today. Okay, I'm going to leave now. Sorry about the short update.

    Saturday, April 15, 2006

    Time is moving very slowly

    I am currently waiting for Erika's cousins to leave her house so that she can come over here. It is pretty much taking forever. Oh well. Family is important as well. Not QUITE as important, but right up there. I'm so excited, though!! I haven't seen Erika for at least a week......... okay a little less. Anyways, I haven't really gotten to talk to her for......... a year, so I'm pumped. OH YEAH!!!!!! I just remembered something! She is coming to Aquire the Fire. That means about 2 days of solid talking, although we might have to retreat periodically into the girl's restroom to talk in private without other nosey ears, if that makes any sense, listening into our converstation. You know what? I think that the school board should just randomly give us a year off or something from school. Then they should give us about 500 dollars each to whatever we want with it. After that, they should give us all cell phones, and of course ipods. I have random thoughts sometimes. As if our school board is that rich. We can't even afford to have REAL Kleenex in our classrooms. All the teachers just have rolls of toilet paper, which they apparantly don't understand DOESN'T WORK when you have a nose that is extremely in shape from running all the time. That's the only part of my body that is in shape at the moment. I think I should encourage the rest of my body to run every once in a while, and my nose to run a little less. It is getting too buff for its own good. I think I'm making up for lost time. This blog post is getting pretty long. Erika, you can read it in parts if you want, one every day so that it seems like I'm actually updating. OR, here's an idea! I can actually update it every once in a while. YEAH!!!!! Then people would actually check it. WOW. Sometimes I have good ideas. Anyways, ERIKA, MAKE YOUR COUSINS LEAVE!!!!!! I'm so bad.

    Saturday, April 08, 2006

    Favorites #2

    I'm going to see if this works. If it does, this is one of my favorite bands, Relient K, and one of my favorite songs that they do. Their website is www.relientk.com if you want to check it out.

    http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" height="256" width="320">http://boss.streamos.com/qtime/capi001/relientk/whoiamhates/video/whoiam_v300.mov">http://boss.streamos.com/qtime/capi001/relientk/whoiamhates/video/whoiam_v300.mov" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" type="video/quicktime" controller="true" autoplay="true">

    http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" height="256" width="320">http://boss.streamos.com/qtime/capi001/relientk/whoiamhates/video/whoiam_v300.mov">http://boss.streamos.com/qtime/capi001/relientk/whoiamhates/video/whoiam_v300.mov" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" type="video/quicktime" controller="true" autoplay="true">

    http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab" height="256" width="320">http://boss.streamos.com/qtime/capi001/relientk/whoiamhates/video/whoiam_v300.mov">http://boss.streamos.com/qtime/capi001/relientk/whoiamhates/video/whoiam_v300.mov" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" type="video/quicktime" controller="true" autoplay="true">