
Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Friday, December 30, 2005


    I really wish chocolate was like SUPER healthy for you. I was thinking about that as I ate my 10th peice of chocolate this morning. It is so hard to escape from that call of chocolate during Christmastime. You can't just say "I'm not going to have any chocolate today" because the first thing you know, you are heading to the cupboard where all of that delicious chocolate is held and your legs won't seem to take you anywhere else. Oh well. At least I'm not even close to being overweight, so I guess I'll do okay until I stop growing. Then I'd better go on some major veggie diets.

    Oh, and cats are super cool, just to let you know.

    The picture has nothing to do with chocolate or cats.

    Thursday, December 29, 2005

    Chronicles 29:1-9

    Erika has been begging me to post more, so I decided to bow to her wishes. First, I'd like to wish her a happy birthday again. Erika, you have finally caught up!!!!!!! And it was fun meeting you Lauren even though, apparantly I've already met you. That is so weird. I'm used to it though. If you play in a band and travel all over the place, all kinds of people know you, but you don't know them because it is hard to remember them all.
    Don't you love epiphanies? It is awesome when you are just reading something or thinking something, and then every thing is clear. That's what happened last night when I was reading Chronicles 29:1-9. It was really weird because it was this chapter that was talking about some dude that was gathering gold and silver etc. to build a temple for God. It would be sort of a boring passage had I not been looking really hard for something that meant something to me. I read the whole passage and discovered that, to me, it wasn't talking about worldly materials, but it was talking about the characteristics of a servant to God. They are things that I really struggle with like having the courage to witness to someone or the faith that God will let me say the right thing. It was a passage that gave me so much hope because is said that even though the task was going to be great, I had already been provided the things that I would need to accomplish it. I knew then that this courage that I thought I didn't have was really there and I pretty much just had to use it! It made me so happy when at the end it said that when called, many people willingly pitched in to help get the temple built. To me that meant that if I go out and use my courage to witness to other people, many people will come to the Lord, and in turn, witness to others. The "project" will get done much faster if more than one person is working on it.

    Sunday, December 04, 2005


    I absolutely love writing. I know you all think I'm crazy, but who really cares? Of course, I do moan and groan at the occasional essay that I have to write, but for the most part, I'm all for it!!
    I just recently found out that it is a very good thing that I love to write when we got back from our mission trip to Honduras, and I was instantly smacked in the face with two essays for each class that I had to write in one week. Luckily I already had one done since I had been required to keep a journal of my entire trip start to finish for Creative Writing. I just finished my last paragraph (it was for PE and I had to write an essay on Honduras) yesterday. Anyways, as there are few people in this world who enjoy writing, I count myself very lucky to be among those fortunate few and I hope to have a future in this "industry".
    (above is a picture of a typical house in Honduras and what Honduras looks like IN THE WINTER!!!

    Friday, December 02, 2005


    Just thought I'd tell you the meaning of this. In short, He means God. The fact that both "H" and "E" are capitals is just emphasis and it represents that God is EVERYTHING to me! PERIOD! Thanks to Ben for giving me a good motto and blog name!