
Location: Lakewood, Colorado, United States
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  • Era's Blog
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  • Second Wind Website
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  • No Sugar Club
  • Rachel's Blog
  • Sunday, January 29, 2006

    I never know what to name my posts

    I'm going to leave to go to my first youth group in abou 7 minutes and I didn't have anything else to do, so I thought that I'd write a short blog. I'm so sick of studying. I just want a couple years off from school. Or even better, a month where everyone comes to school, but you just hang out all day. That would be awesome. Anyways, that's not going to happen, so I might as well be content with the 30 minutes every day that I do get to hang out with them. It's not much, but I guess it is better than nothing. Lunch is my favorite period of the day for that reason. Anyways, I suppose I should go if I am going to make it to youth group on time. I am really tired.

    Wednesday, January 25, 2006


    How is it, you ask, that I always have time to update my blog during keyboarding? Simple. We don't do anything. A very convenient class if you ask me. Anyways, Erika, you are also going to ask me "Why don't you email me when you are in keyboarding?" The answer to that one is simple too. The stupid security on these stupid computers will not allow me to send any emails because I "Do not have the priveleges" to do that. Anyways, I will try to email you today, but there are no guarantees because I have this large project due tomorrow of which I have done nothing on. It kind of stinks. Anyways, I guess I'll go get some homework done. This is a perfect class, I'm telling you. Never mind, someone just took the pass. Bummer. Oh well I'll just type a little more. I am still not caught up on sleep from the weekend. I stayed up till late every night and then got up early, played several concerts, and then jammed my face off the rest of the day. My guitar fingers were really sore by the end of every day. I was so out of it at the end of the weekend that at my last concert I actually clapped after one of my own songs. I was so embarrased and I wanted to sink into the floor and never come out again. And then my voice decided to squeak and it seriously sounded like a dog. For the second time that night I wanted to become suddenly non-existant. Oh well, that's what happens when you play in a band. The first concert that we did was the best I've done in a while, which was good because it was being recorded. Anyways, the pass is almost back, or should be. Yep, it is. I'm leaving. Bye.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Bored, as Always

    I am once again in keyboarding and I have finished my lessons. Sadly, I forgot to bring in my very hard math homework to work on, something I might want to do if I want to go to the play tonight. I'm going anyways, but oh well. I was happy today because I got a 107% on my math test, which means that I FINALLY GOT A BETTER GRADE THAN TREVOR!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, that was pretty cool. I don't want to go to U.S. history at all, but oh well. I guess I'll have to live with it. And then I have to ride the bus. At least that will give me an extra hour to get my homework done, an hour that I don't have when riding with my brother. Poor Trav has to work today. I'd rather ride the bus home than work, but whatever. My day will come. The bell rings in about 5 minutes, so I should probably stop typing.

    Monday, January 16, 2006

    I am so Bored

    I am bored, but I guess that is good for all you people who beg me to update my blog. Being bored provides a perfect opprotunity to write on my blog. Yesterday I went to one of my youth groups. It was a lot of fun. We had a really good discussion based on the first few chapters of Lee Strobel's book "The Case for Christ, Student Edition." I really enjoyed that book and I suggest it for anyone who is questioning the truth in the Bible and Christ's life. It doesn't bring down or critisize other religions or push you into believing something that you don't believe. What it does do is provide the reader with some interesting facts and things to think about. I would suggest this book for anyone, Christian or not Christian. Anyways, tonight is busy too, as I will be going to another youth group, Action, where there is the benifit of good food to help sustain you through the evening. Plus Ben is pretty much hilarious and I enjoy making fun of him. ANYWAYS, since I am in class and the teacher just instructed me to do something else I guess I will post this and do what she told me to do before I get in trouble.

    Friday, January 13, 2006

    I'm So Very Sorry

    First I would like to say that i am so very sorry for not updating my blog in forever. I mostly speak to Erika when I say this because she is the only person in the entire world who really cares whether I update or not. She is my motivation for my blog. Anyways, I do have excuses, and they are as follows. Last weekend I went to see my good friends the O'briens. They had a concert and my brother played with them. Then, I got back and promptly got a bad cold. Not only that but on Monday I went to Action after school, so I couldn't exactly update it then either. The next day I didn't feel good at all. On Wednesday I was going to go into town, but I still didn't feel good, so I stayed home and played video games, a pleasure that I very very rarely indulge in. That was a whole lot easier than updating my blog. In addition to playing video games at home, I also completed one math assignment, one Spanish assignment, and half of one history assignment. That was strenuous. Then on Thursday I was just plain too lazy. Now I am actually at school in Keyboarding class and as it is a catch up day and i am already caught up, what better time than now to update my poor unupdated blog. And, yes, Erika. Rachel is sitting next to me and I am right now going to make her update her blog..........

    Okay, she is in the process of doing so right now. Ummmmm... I don't quite no what else to talk about. I hope you enjoyed reading my newly updated blog!!!!

    Wednesday, January 04, 2006

    First Day of School

    Today was the first day back to school from Christmas break. This meant new schedules. Of course, the people in the office decided to give me two different schedules because they thought it would be funny to watch me get all confused. Which I did, right in front of the class that I wasn't supposed to be in. So I walked calmly out of the room, hoping that I wouldn't trip over something.

    That reminds me of a very embarrasing moment. One of my friends decided to call this guy and randomly ask him out for me. Of course, my mom won't let me date, so I was freaking out. Luckily, he knew this and refused her, but I felt it was my place to call him the next day and straiten everything out. So the next day, which was an inservice day, I sweated and trembled over the phone until I finally had the courage to dial the number. I explained everything to him, and he understood. The next day at school I walked into the classroom where he was at. We both just sort of stood there stupidly. Finally I said, "I'm all embarassed around you now, dang it!" and I stormed out of the room. But not before I tripped on the trashcan and almost fell on my face.

    So after all of the confusingness of the day and my two different schedules, I am very tired and I don't think I will type any more.

    Tuesday, January 03, 2006


    Today it is snowing at our house and it is the last day of Christmas break. (For me anyways. Those who go to South have to go to school!) I don't really like snow all that much, but I'm starting to not mind it as much as I used to. I'm kind of happy about seeing my friends again, and getting settled into a nice routine, new though it will be. I am going to be taking Spanish, a class that everyone says is extremely hard. However, as I love Spanish, and have a passion for learning it fluently, I think that I will do just fine. Plus, being immersed in nothing but Spanish for two weeks is enought to give you a lot of the basics that you need, so I'm a little ahead. In all truthfullness, I can't wait to get started!

    I'm hungry. I just got back from a walk in which I dropped my favorite hat. I apparantly did not notice that I dropped it because I now do not have it. That makes me very sad. However, my sadness is counteracted by the fact that in my book, the main character just saved the day, even though his girlfriend died. That made me sad. But I was cheered up by the prospect that in the very near future my brother will be making Macarroni and Cheese, if that is how you spell it, and at the moment, I'm not obliged to do anything but sit here. Just a minute. The front door just flew open and I think I'm about to be murdered.

    Okay, everything is fine. It was just the wind. While we were in Honduras a big windstorm came and broke our door and now it flies open at odd moments. I didn't really think that I was about to be murdered, otherwise I would have not typed another sentence. I would have protected myself. I'm not that stupid.

    I haven't had any other epiphanies. If I do I'll let you know.

    The picture is us in Honduras. All the people who don't look American are not American. They are Honduran. The two Hondurans on the bottom, and near the bottom are Hennry (yes, it is spelled wrong, I know, but it's not American, see) and Juan Carlos. I'm still in touch with them, though it is hard to read and write Spanish emails. The one at the very top is Mauricio. He is the head honcho dude, or in Spanish, Hefe.

    Sunday, January 01, 2006

    Happy New Years

    I am extrememly bored. I was supposed to get in the shower, and was all ready to do so when my dad got in instead. So now I have nothing else to do but sit here and wait for him to get out. First of all, to all my reading friends, Happy New Years!! We had a midnight bluegrass jam yesterday at our house and it was very fun. A bunch of hot pickers came and rocked the house down(by hot pickers, I mean they are very good. Not that they are bad looking or anything, but that is not what I meant by the context. :)) Anyways, we played for about four hours and then right at 12 we all drank sparkling grape cider. I was definitely getting orange around the edges before going to bed and was well on my way to turning into a pumpkin. Today is New Year's Day, but we are not doing anything. I prefer just hanging around the house anyways since we travel so often on account of our family band. We don't get to do nothing very often, which is good in some ways, but bad in others. One good thing is we don't watch T.V. very often, and that is very good. It tends to make you turn into a pumpkin much faster at parties.

    So, Happy New Years everyone! Now it is time to make those important decisions such as "I am going to learn Spanish!" or "I am going to quit smoking!" or "I am going to give my life to Christ!" There is never a better time than the first of the year!